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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter

The ability to print the job calendar is a nice feature of Visual Cron but we have some periods where lots of jobs run, it would be nice if the sizing of the hours was dynamic (so for example where there are many jobs between 07:00 and 08:00 the hour is made bigger and then the jobs can show. Where there are several jobs at the same time there can be some marker to indicate this, at the moment we see what is in screenshot1

Perhaps it could be made to look like screenshot2? (short line indicates that the job runs at the same time as the previous one). If there is an overlap then the hour should be scaled to allow all jobs to fit, so if we had 20 jobs all at 7am then we would have 20 lines. If we had one every minute from 7am to 7.20am then we would have 20 lines but no short line as they start at different times. The other possibility is to make it 1 hour per page so there is more space for the jobs to show.

al355 attached the following image(s):
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