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We have a job that runs 10 tasks all at once, so the job is ran with the "Run tasks in order" unchecked. Sometimes a random task of the ten will fail, while the rest are successful, which is to be expected sometimes with this job.

Is there a way to have the task retry without having to wait for the other tasks to complete? We currently have a retry set up on the job, so when one task fails, it waits until the others finish and then runs them all over again.

We only want the specific task that failed to rerun, and it would be best if it didn't have to wait until the other tasks have completed.

Task 1 - Completes successfully
Task 2 - Completes successfully
Task 3 - Fails.

Task 1 and 2, should not be ran again, but task 3 should. Currently with the job retry, it would rerun all three tasks. We only want task three to rerun and not wait for task 1 and task 2 to complete before running again.

Is this possible?

Forum information
Right now you cannot do this. If you use "Run Tasks in order" unchecked you circumvent the normal flow handling. Better to place one or more Tasks in separate Jobs.
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