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we are using VisualCron version 7.0.9 on a Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 machine and we tried to map network drives through the "Manage Network Drives" menu. We experienced strange behavior when we try to run executable programs (just a test file with extension .exe) from the mapped network drive, we get the OS warning message "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software ?" When we do the same action having the network drive mapped through standard "net use" command it works without any warning message.

Could you please investigate this behavior ? Is this something expected ?

Thank you in advance for your feedback
Forum information
Never seen this before but we generally recommend not to use network drives as it adds another layer of problems. Please use UNC paths instead whenever possible.
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Thank you for your reply,
I confirm using the UNC path, the warning message does not pop up but then, what is the value of the "Manage network dives" functionality in VisualCron ?
Are planning to improve this functionality so that the issue we reported will be fixed ?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Originally Posted by: bertolm 

Thank you for your reply,
I confirm using the UNC path, the warning message does not pop up but then, what is the value of the "Manage network dives" functionality in VisualCron ?
Are planning to improve this functionality so that the issue we reported will be fixed ?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

As this feature has been existing for years without this error we doubt we are going to do any further research about it. We find this feature a bit deprecated as it, as we mentioned, just creates another layer of where problem could arise.
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