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I have a job that can be executed by a file based trigger, or by manually executing the job using the visual cron client.

If the job was executed by the file based trigger, I want to only process that file.
If the job is executed manually I want to process all files in a directory.

I was hoping to use {TRIGGER(Active,LastTrigger,File.Result.Name)} as a flag to indicate how the job was executed, however it appears to remain set after the job has been run. So if the job is executed manually, I still get the file name from the last trigger.

I can check to see if the file name passed in exists, if not then process all files, but was hoping for something a little cleaner.

Can the variable be cleared?

Open to suggestions

Forum information
I am thinking that you could store this Trigger Variable in a Job Variable - then use the Job Variable in the Task. Then, if you use 7.2.0 or later you can right click on the Job and choose "Run Job X with options". Now you can override that Job Variable with a wild card or what you want.
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