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  •  BobJ
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I have created a job that:
1. watches for new files in a directory
2. renames the new files using a standard naming convention
3. copies the renamed file to a different directory

The new files are being added to a directory where other files already exist. I only need to act on the new files.

I put all of these tasks in a loop, thinking that as each file is renamed, I would copy it based on it's new name. The rename task provides output showing the original file name and the new name - so that works.

I assume I can use a loop variable to identify the new name of the file and use that in the copy task, but I'm having trouble understanding which variable to use?

Is there a way to look at the value of loop variables at runtime so I can understand which one I should be selecting?
Forum information
Only the old name is available from the File Trigger. So it would be easier if you first copied - then renamed.

The Variable to use is:

{TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.Name)} - for name/file mask
{TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|File.Result.TriggerFolder)} - for source folder
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