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This was previously mentioned in another feature request as noted: 


we press "get full output" in the task output window to see all files that were uploaded by the task. However, opening this standard output from the "Task History" window, there is no "get full output" button. Can we get this button in this window, so that the entire log can be seen from previous task runs as well?

So this is still behaving the same way. When you double-click the Output on the task, you have an option to click 'get full output'. However, lets say your task has been ran 3-4 times today already and every time the output is of decent size. I can right-click the task and select 'Task History'. Output is available there for all of the previous runs but there is no 'Get Full Output' button on THAT view..

I would really love to see this, as troubleshooting after the fact will be difficult if we rely on the Output within VisualCron as our 'log'.

Forum information
This is probably related to the limit you have in the log history. We only show that button if the stored output is larger that max content. But there is default limit in how much we store as well - you can alter this in the Server settings->Log window.
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