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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
We have only recently started using Visual Cron but are already at over 100 jobs and are finding that it would be useful to be able to have a numerical reference to the jobs that we could search by. For example, the first job created would be number 1, next one number 2 and so on.
I am aware that there is an internal identifier for jobs but this is a long string and potentially we would like the ability to control the numbers assigned to jobs so we could create our own numbering patterns, for example numbers 1-100 are IT tasks, numbers 101-200 are process automation tasks, numbers 201-300 are manually run tasks etc.
This could be an optional identifier field on a job (text box) and the search would allow you to search by this ID

Thanks for your consideration.
Forum information
Right now you can use the Order of the Task at least instead of the Task Id.

When it comes to Jobs you can always use the Job name instead of the Id.

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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thanks, yes the job name is what we are using as well as the description (we have created a system where we put hashtags in the description). However once we get into the hundreds of jobs then it will be tricky to search only by name which is why an easily searchable ID would be helpful and another way to classify jobs.

We could put our own numbering on the description field, for example

1.1 Daily database tidy up
1.2 Daily file tidy up

2.1 Automated prices email

but it would be nicer as a separate field
Generally I think it would be dangerous to use some kind of numbering. Not only if Jobs are removed but also when cloning Jobs etc. If they were unique I guess pretty fast the number would be very high and easy to forget anyway. Not sure of the best solution here.
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  •  al355
  • No customer Topic Starter
The numbering would be nothing more than a label, no need for it to be unique as such. If we clone a job then it would be our responsibility to edit this.
It is kind of like another description field but a short one which can also be searched.

We could use the description for this also but there may be numbers in that for other reasons.
Perhaps we could put N_1.1 in the description but a separate customer ID field would be nicer.
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