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I noticed a few days ago by accident that there was no way of canceling the removal of a condition.
By accident I removed the condition of a job but when I pressed the cancel button in that window nothing happened. Is this a bug or is that how it works?
I think that you need to reconsider how to make it better in the future to I'd like to request you to either remove the cancel button if it's not going to work to cancel the action or make it possible to reverse the removal, which I think is a better option since the conditions are global for all jobs so all jobs and tasks that had that condition will have it removed...bad.

If I am being unclear please let me know and I'll try to write a better and more detailed description.
Forum information
The Cancel button is for the Job. Conditions are global so pressing cancel on the Job does not affect the Condition. However, we agree to add some kind of confirmation to the actual Condition deletion.
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