Community forum

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In an older version of VisualCron, we had Notification setups to email us of any failed task, and this worked as intended. However, since updating to version 7.1.9, the notification process no longer works as it did. We have it setup to use Active task information, so it can be used for many tasks without hard-coding a specific task to it.

Before Update:
- Notification that ran and sent email of current task information upon failure.

After Update:
- Notification runs, but now sends the notification task information in the email.

Notification Text:
VisualCron Job Log

Jobid: {JOB(Active|Id)}
Job Name: {JOB(Active|Name)}

Taskid: {TASK(Active,Id)}
Task type: {TASK(Active,Type)}
Name: {TASK(Active,Name)}
Order: {TASK(Active,Order)}
Exit code: {TASK(Active,ExitCode)}
Exit code description: {TASK(Active,ExitCodeDesc)}
Number of executes: {TASK(Active,NoExecutes)}
Last execution time: {TASK(Active,ExecutionTime)}
Last executed: {TASK(Active,LastRun,M/d/yyyy h:mm tt)}
Last exited: {TASK(Active,LastExited,M/d/yyyy h:mm tt)}
Output: {TASK(Active,StdOut)}
Output (stderr): {TASK(Active,StdErr)}
Status: {TASK(Active,Status)}
Results: {TASK(Active,Result)}
Forum information
As a Notification now inherits from Task. Because of this change Active refers to the Notification. You need to replace Task Variables to use PrevTask instead.
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Thanks, I will make the change, and keep an eye on it.
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