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So I have been having this issue logging in to a server since I installed VisualCron and am currently on 6.2.0. Unfortunately, I have tried troubleshooting this for some time, but have gotten nowhere. This issue is present across multiple servers (all servers using VC). If I manually lock the server, then exit a remote desktop session, then have VC log in, it successfully takes control of the desktop. Otherwise, I will constantly get the error 'Exception in Task: Failed to connect to Credential Provider'

Here are the logs from a failed login (when I do not lock the server) and successful login (when I manually lock the server and shut a remote desktop session) if anyone has any suggestions or tips.

12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Info Job started: Check login
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Job (2) was added to processlist: Check login
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Info Skipping Condition check because the Job was run manually.
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Calling GetNextTaskProcess()
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Info User 'Administrator' - Ran Job: Check login
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Next Task is: Check login info
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: Check login info (0)
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Task (10534) was added to processlist: Check login info
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Entering wait loop. Check login info (10534)
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Info Task started: Check login info (10534)
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: LoginIfNeeded() invoked for user: Administrator, password is not empty
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Screensaver is not running.
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Dumping sessions.
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 0, name: , state: 4
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 1, name: Administrator, state: 0
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 3, name: , state: 1
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 65536, name: , state: 6
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Sessions dump ended.
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Active Console Session id = 3
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Active User Name =
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Workstation is locked = False
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Multiple sessions allowed = True
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: There is no interactive user. Logging in target user.
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Debug Interactive logon: Exception in LoginIfNeeded()
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Err Exception in Task: Failed to connect to Credential Provider
12/3/2014 9:07:02 AM Info Task completed: Check login info (10534)


12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Info Job started: Check login
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Job (3) was added to processlist: Check login
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Info Skipping Condition check because the Job was run manually.
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Calling GetNextTaskProcess()
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Next Task is: Check login info
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Next action: ActionContinue
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: Check login info (0)
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Task (10540) was added to processlist: Check login info
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Info User 'Administrator' - Ran Job: Check login
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Info Task started: Check login info (10540)
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: LoginIfNeeded() invoked for user: Administrator, password is not empty
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Screensaver is not running.
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Dumping sessions.
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Entering wait loop. Check login info (10540)
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 0, name: , state: 4
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 1, name: Administrator, state: 4
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 3, name: , state: 1
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Seesion id: 65536, name: , state: 6
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Sessions dump ended.
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Active Console Session id = 3
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Active User Name =
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Workstation is locked = True
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: Multiple sessions allowed = True
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Debug Interactive logon: There is no interactive user. Logging in target user.
12/3/2014 9:16:28 AM Info Task completed: Check login info (10540)
Forum information
Have you checked the documentation of security settings to change (depending on computer) an reboot the server after doing these changes?
Please like  VisualCron on facebook!
I have indeed, I have spent many hours going through that documentation just to make sure it was done correctly.
Here are the logs from me starting the VC service as the user I'm having issues logging in.

12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Starting up
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Loading settings
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Preparing SqlCe files (x64) from base folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\x64\sqlce
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Prepare interaction
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Is Vista or higher: True
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Credential provider was already installed.
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Credential provider test ok.
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Prepare XML writer settings
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Current user: *******\Administrator
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Create directories
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Output folder: C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Debug Startup function called
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Info VisualCron - Server: 6.2.0 - build: 15564 - protocol: 6.1.7
12/3/2014 9:03:41 AM Info Cleaning up local database according to cleanup rules
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Startup path: C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Loading license file
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug License file was succesfully loaded
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Saving license file
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug License file was saved successfully
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Successful verification of Activation code
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Info License status: Activated
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Loading language
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug DefaultPersistentConnectionLimit: 2
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Variables file did not exist.
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Info No Certificates loaded, file not found
12/3/2014 9:03:42 AM Debug Loading connections
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Info Loaded: 1 FTP connection(s)
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Debug Loading Groups
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Info Loaded: 3 groups(s)
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Debug Loading users
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Info Loaded: 6 users(s)
12/3/2014 9:03:44 AM Debug Loading Conditions
12/3/2014 9:03:45 AM Info Loaded: 5 Condition(s)
12/3/2014 9:03:45 AM Debug PGP Key Rings file did not exist.
12/3/2014 9:03:45 AM Debug Time exceptions file did not exist.
12/3/2014 9:03:45 AM Debug Loading network credentials
12/3/2014 9:03:45 AM Debug Loaded: 2 network credential(s)

And here are the logs from me starting it normally as system service with the option to allow service to interact with desktop checked.

12/3/2014 9:42:50 AM Debug Starting up
12/3/2014 9:42:50 AM Debug Loading settings
12/3/2014 9:42:50 AM Debug Preparing SqlCe files (x64) from base folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\x64\sqlce
12/3/2014 9:42:50 AM Debug Prepare interaction
12/3/2014 9:42:50 AM Debug Is Vista or higher: True
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Credential provider was already installed.
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Credential provider test ok.
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Prepare XML writer settings
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Current user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Create directories
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Output folder: C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output
12/3/2014 9:42:51 AM Debug Startup function called

Same issue with both instances.
Decided to upgrade just to see if it was fixed in the newer version, same error but different error message.

Exception in Task: InteractiveLogonComponent.ILCException: Failed to connect to Credential Provider
at ...(String , String , String )
at InteractiveLogonComponent.CInteractiveLogonComponent....(String , String , String )
at InteractiveLogonComponent.CInteractiveLogonComponent.LoginIfNeeded(String user, String pass, String domain)
at .........() in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\SystemControl\clsProcessTaskSystemUnLock.vb:line 47
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