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After a server restart we are unable to restart VisualCron service. Tried restarting the service, the server, reinstalling, restarting again, nothing works. Is a critical issue for us.

Text error when we start VisuaCron is:
“Connection failed to “localhost”. Connection failed with error:
‘Failed to connect to an IPC Port: the system cannot find the file specified.’
Do you want to try reconnecting?”

We will appreciate a quick answer as we have many critical jobs running on VisualCron. Thanks
yaroslavSH attached the following image(s):
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After several tries we got to the root of the problem. A log file somehow was corrupted on the VisualCron log folder. Renamed log folder to "log_old", restarted and now is working flawlessly.

We are wondering what caused this issue. Couple of weeks ago we started a new process on VisualCron that is causing the log file to grow rapidly. Maybe is related to the size of that file, the amount of log that we are saving? Don't know, just asking out loud. Maybe someone else had a similar issue?
Please zip and send the log file to
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