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Ben Graham
I'm running VisualCron 7.5.1 (build 19717)

I updated all the settings to move all the log files over to the server's E drive to avoid keeping logs on the C drive. Under Settings > Log Settings > Database Settings > Location I changed the location to E:\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf When I looked, though, that folder hadn't been created (E:\VisualCron\output\ exists but no log folder within it). I looked around on the server and located the file at C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf.

I think this is a bug - the DB file should have been moved to the E drive. Is there any way to correct this?

Forum information
You are right. The VisualCron service needs to be restarted to reflect these changes. We will fix this - thanks for the report.
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