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Kevin Rood
Is there any possibility for "Kill" task criteria in the future?

In particular, I would be looking to kill a process named "abc" if the user who initiated that process has been idle for more than 'x' minutes.
The 'query user' command in cmd/Powershell shows the idle time per user, so this could be joined to the User Name to only kill if the process has been idle (i.e. user has been idle).

I am having to do a bit of manual workaround for now, but this would really save me some headache, because for a variety of reasons I can't kick out the users completely, I only need to close one particular app/process.

Forum information
We have a similar requirement, we would like to kill a process if the CPU usage on a server is above a certain percentage for a period of time. The reason for this is that we have a piece of software which very occasionally gets into a locked state where it uses the entire CPU until it is killed and restarted.
I think that the combination between process and cpu usage AND idle time of user might be hard to achieve if we want to make it general for all kinds of combinations.

But to answer al355 you can already do this today with the Performance counter Trigger.
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