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We have a big process running from couple of weeks already. Basically is repeating a series of tasks on different servers. We want to monitor and compare the time taken on each task per server. Comparing just couple of tasks on couple of servers can be done right clicking on the task and selecting "Task log" to check on the times, then do the same on the same task but for different sever. But we want to do that for all tasks on all servers. Right clicking is time consuming and painfully slow.

Is there some way to get reports (excel, csv, txt) where to easily check this information? Thanks!
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Tried using the "Log" window and the "Export" feature. I first selected the "Historic-Task" tab on the window, filter by the wanted job and corresponding task. I get a nice looking table with useful data. Then I go to File->Export to export to excel what I just got. But then, ,y hopes were dashed, the generated excel contains ALL jobs with ALL tasks. And also, the columns does not correspond to what is shown on the table I'm seeing.

What can be done to get this data?
yaroslavSH attached the following image(s):
Hi yaroslavSH

Have you tried the 'JOB REPORT' task at the end of each run of the job on each server? Not sure if this will give you what you want. It means adding an extra task which can be a bit tedious if there are many jobs, but it gives you plenty of reporting options and output formats.

I would create the report in a stand alone job, and then call that job from all the other jobs that need a report - that way you only define the report parameters once (I only mention this because it is what we do).


Hi Osirisja, not, haven't tried this approach. But as commented, there are LOT of jobs and tasks. We have 8 db servers, for each one several jobs and for each jobs minimum around 4-5 tasks, maximum 22 tasks...make the math ;)

That's why I'm asking for some kind of reporting using the logs or some other tool that I'm not aware off. If there is no other possibility then we will need to go for this solution, but is really annoying. We need to get data from all runs, to have statistics, historics and compare. On top of that, VC log just saves last 48h of logs.
Originally Posted by: yaroslavSH 

Hi Osirisja, not, haven't tried this approach. But as commented, there are LOT of jobs and tasks. We have 8 db servers, for each one several jobs and for each jobs minimum around 4-5 tasks, maximum 22 tasks...make the math ;)

That's why I'm asking for some kind of reporting using the logs or some other tool that I'm not aware off. If there is no other possibility then we will need to go for this solution, but is really annoying. We need to get data from all runs, to have statistics, historics and compare. On top of that, VC log just saves last 48h of logs.

You say it only saves 48h of logs? This is configurable in Server settings->Log->Database. But in your case maybe you want a feature like logging directly to your preferred database instead of locally. Please contact and they can make you an offer to customize this solution for you.
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