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  •  langj
  • No customer Topic Starter
How to verify a job is run manually every day by cutoff time? I'm looking for a simple way that is easy to set up and maintain.

The scenario is that I need to manually run a job every day. If that job fails to be run successfully by a cutoff time every day then I want to be notified, probably by another job emailing me etc.

Forum information
You should use an "Email Notification" and set it to run on "Failure" in the Job or Task tab "Flow". I recommend that you look at the video tutorials online about "Flow".
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  •  langj
  • No customer Topic Starter
I'm not sure I got the point across clearly. The problem scenario is that no one remembers to manually run the job by, say, 4:00 PM. I need Visual Cron to notify me that no one ran the job yet today. The only way the job runs is if someone manually clicks "run job". How do I set up something in Visual Cron to notify me that no one ran the job today? Thanks.
There is no specific functionality regarding this so I am thinking about workarounds. For example, you could create a file each day with the current date as a Task in the same Job as the manual Task exists. Then create another Job that runs at 4 to check if this file exists. If it does not exist you could send a Notification.
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Another way to do this would be to use the job report function to send a report at say 4pm of jobs which haven't yet run. If you put the manual run jobs in a single category then you can send a report for just those
Another way is to run a job at the cutoff time, that checks if the last execution time of a given job was today. You can get the last executed time from variables - visual cron variables - jobs. It could look like this: {JOB(c10a865e-7cfa-49be-aa5c-e94c5a310ddc|LastRun|)}

Then you could write a simple .net execute that checks the day of last execution:

using System;
public class Test
public static bool JobExecutedToday(DateTime lastExecutionTime)
return lastExecutionTime.Date == DateTime.Now.Date;

And then you pass the last executed time into this method, and send an email depending on the result.
  •  langj
  • No customer Topic Starter
When the manually run job succeeds I'll have a step create a file.

When the 4:00 pm verification job runs I'll just have a step delete the daily file and if the file isn't there then it'll error and send a notification. That seems pretty simple. Thanks.
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