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I'm using a trial copy of VisualCron, trying to determine whether it will fit our needs. Ideally what we'd like to do is create groups of users who have the ability to create and edit their own jobs, but not be able to edit jobs belonging to other groups. It seems that we can somewhat accomplish this (albeit in a rather kludgey way) by using the Permissions on a per-job basis.

However, I wanted to test what would happen if someone were to mistakenly remove ALL permissions from a Job. I went ahead and did so, and now I'm trying to figure out if there is a way that I can re-gain access to the Job. So far, I'm not finding a way to do this. Does anyone know whether this is possible? At the moment I'm stuck with a job that can't be deleted or viewed.
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Well, I sort of was able to accomplish what I wanted. I stopped the VisualCron service, found the jobs.xml file, removed the Job from that file (everything between its corresponding <jobClass> and </jobClass>), then restarted the service. That at least allowed me to delete the job.
Yes, you can do that manually. But you also have the Audit log which lets you revert any object to a previous version.

If you want to control this programatically you can use the API.
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