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Tom Tinsley
Getting error:

Task "Run RAR" exited with code: 7(The storage control blocks were destroyed. Any ideas?


"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe"


-a -r -agYYYYMMDDHHMMSS -rr -m5 S:\backup\Docs_Settings\{COMPUTER(Name)}_.rar @c:\TEMP\bkuplist.txt
Forum information
I think you are using the rar.exe switches wrong. Check the output. There is no "-a" switch in rar.exe. But there is a "a" command.

I am no rar expert, never used it, but I looked at the documentation. This should work as argument:

a -r -agYYYYMMDDHHMMSS -rr -m5 S:\backup\Docs_Settings\{COMPUTER(Name)}_.rar @c:\TEMP\bkuplist.txt
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Tom Tinsley
Support wrote:

I think you are using the rar.exe switches wrong. Check the output. There is no "-a" switch in rar.exe. But there is a "a" command.

I am no rar expert, never used it, but I looked at the documentation. This should work as argument:

a -r -agYYYYMMDDHHMMSS -rr -m5 S:\backup\Docs_Settings\{COMPUTER(Name)}_.rar @c:\TEMP\bkuplist.txt

I had it as an "a" before and thought maybe I transposed it incorrectly. I know this works from a batch. Because I use it all the time.

"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -r -agYYYYMMDDHHMMSS -rr -m5 %varPath%\%COMPUTERNAME%_.rar @c:\TEMP\bkuplist.txt

So, it works now? We did a quick test. We got same error when using "-a" and no error when using just "a". The reason for the error is located in the output of the Task (output column) which says that no "-a" command exist. When changing to "a" it returns success.
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Tom Tinsley
Support wrote:

So, it works now? We did a quick test. We got same error when using "-a" and no error when using just "a". The reason for the error is located in the output of the Task (output column) which says that no "-a" command exist. When changing to "a" it returns success.

I put it back to the "a" and got an Invalid Handle error. I found the solution to that and now it all works. The invalid handle was caused buy bad data in the c:\TEMP\bkuplist.txt file. So all is well and working now with this. I do know I had the "a" for weeks and received the error stated before. I am amazed it worked now. Also I accidentally clicked something that brought up a note like display giving the error condition. How can I bring that up each time when troubleshooting? This is the window pop-up that said the "-a" was invalid.
When you double click the Std output column or std error column you can see the result from rar.exe. It depends, some write to std out and some std error but you have both in the Task row.

If you don't see those columns you can add them in "List" tab.
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