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  •  SCJ
  • No customer Topic Starter
I recently moved from a 32-bit server version of 7.0.7 to a 64 bit same version and I was having issues running two jobs at the same time. The second job would error out when another job is running and would only execute when the first job is done. This did not happen in the 32bit version. As I look into this, I would like to know if there was a setting that is configured wrong on the 64-bit version. Both the jobs execute the same application, but the input configuration files are different.

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There is no limit like this. It sounds like the Task is the limit (read: your executable). What kind of Task is it and what error do you get?
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  •  SCJ
  • No customer Topic Starter
The task is an execute and the error from the output on the task is "Exception encountered: Unable to execute stored proc 'Stored_Procedure name'". I have logging setup as part of the application that it executes, and there is no logs created, nor does the task hit the database. but as soon as the earlier job is done, this task would run fine-on a rerun.
  •  SCJ
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thanks for looking into this henrik, I might have found the issue, there was an logging file that was not allowing another job to access it. this caused the second job to fail.
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