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Upgrading from 7.6.5 to 7.6.6 breaks at the loading of the log database.
Logs from time of upgrade...

13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info VisualCron service is being stopped
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info Shutting down running processes
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info Shutting down event triggers
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info Shutting down listener.
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info Saving Jobs (78)
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Err TimePicker exits
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Err TimePutter exits
13/06/2015 18:04:26 Info Task process was aborted by user.
13/06/2015 18:04:29 Info Jobs saved (282687450)
13/06/2015 18:04:30 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
13/06/2015 18:04:30 Debug Ending DBLogger
13/06/2015 18:06:01 Debug Local database version: 5
13/06/2015 18:06:01 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was created
13/06/2015 18:06:02 Info Folders->Settings->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\settings
13/06/2015 18:06:02 Info Folders->Server logs->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log
13/06/2015 18:06:02 Info Files->Database->C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf

Waited and shut server down as no longer responding.

13/06/2015 18:07:22 Info System is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Info Shutting down running processes
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Info Shutting down event triggers
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
13/06/2015 18:07:22 Debug Ending DBLogger
13/06/2015 18:07:23 Err Error in GetChildProcesses: A system shutdown is in progress. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045B)
13/06/2015 18:08:30 Debug Local database version: 5
13/06/2015 18:08:30 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was created
13/06/2015 18:08:31 Info Folders->Settings->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\settings
13/06/2015 18:08:31 Info Folders->Server logs->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log
13/06/2015 18:08:31 Info Files->Database->C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf

Waiting and ended up shutting server down and deleting .sdf file

13/06/2015 18:18:29 Info VisualCron service is being stopped
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Info Shutting down running processes
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Info Shutting down event triggers
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
13/06/2015 18:18:29 Debug Ending DBLogger
13/06/2015 18:18:32 Debug Local database version: 5
13/06/2015 18:18:32 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was created
13/06/2015 18:18:33 Info Folders->Settings->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\settings
13/06/2015 18:18:33 Info Folders->Server logs->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log
13/06/2015 18:18:33 Info Files->Database->C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf

Still no response.... Shut down service and resinstalled 7.6.5

13/06/2015 18:23:40 Info VisualCron service is being stopped
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Info Shutting down running processes
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Info Shutting down event triggers
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
13/06/2015 18:23:40 Debug Ending DBLogger
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Err Restoring local DB - start
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Debug Copying database file from installation folder to: C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Err Restoring local DB - complete
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was created
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Info Folders->Settings->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\settings
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Info Folders->Server logs->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log
13/06/2015 18:24:22 Info Files->Database->C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Info VisualCron service is being stopped
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Info VisualCron Server is shutting down
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Info Shutting down running processes
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Info Shutting down event triggers
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Debug Stopping loops and threads for timers
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Debug VisualCron Service shutdown reached last stage
13/06/2015 18:26:13 Debug Ending DBLogger
13/06/2015 18:27:28 Debug Local database version: 5
13/06/2015 18:27:28 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was created
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Folders->Settings->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\settings
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Folders->Server logs->C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\log
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Files->Database->C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output\log\VisualCron4.sdf
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Output folder: C:\ProgramData\VisualCron\output
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Current user: ARGENTIERE\SYSTEM
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info OS version: WindowsServer2008R2Standard
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Credential provider->Prepare interaction
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Is Vista or higher: True
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Credential provider->Credential provider was already installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\InteractiveLogonCPx64.dll)
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Credential provider->Credential provider registry test failed: ControlAltDeleteDisabled is false. Need to be set to true.
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Credential provider->Credential provider connection test failed: Pipe busy (2)
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info UAC enabled: True
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info VisualCron - Server: 7.6.5 - build: 41389(2015-04-29 23:59:40) - protocol: 7.6.5
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug CleanLocalDB started
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Cleaning up local database according to cleanup rules
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug CleanLocalDB - retrieve stats - start
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug CleanLocalDB - retrieve stats - end
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug CleanLocalDB - log size (before): 327680
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug CleanLocalDB - start
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info General log, keep for 2 days. Minimum date to keep: 11/06/2015 18:27:29
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug DeleteGeneralByMinDate->11/06/2015 18:27:29
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug DeleteAuditByMinDate->Result: 620
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Cleaning Audit logs started
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Audit log, keep maximum rows 100 - current count: 0
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Cleaning Audit logs completed, seconds elapsed: 4.78E-05
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Cleaning Job logs started
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Job log, keep maximum rows 5000 - current count: 2
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Cleaning Job logs completed, seconds elapsed: 0.0001054
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Debug Cleaning Task logs started
13/06/2015 18:27:29 Info Task log, keep maximum rows 50000 - current count: 3

All OK and running again.
Forum information
You think you can reproduce this by re-installing 7.6.6?
Have you enabled extended debugging in Server settings->log?
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