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Hello Guys,
I have a problem.
My question for you, is that i have a task.
My problem:
I want to make a automatically Email- shipping to some Clients. Every Client has a own Folder with reports. And every Report has a own Information , with a date. The Report has to send automatically to the receiver per Client, with the consideration
of the choice from the received month. 😕

Does anyone know how to make this?
Forum information
Hi Mark, welcome to the forum!

Some questions though:
1) Are the reporst already there in the folders and you want to send something out of these folders, or is the report placed in a folder which must be e-mailed?
2) please specify the filename of the report, as you want to send a report from a spesific month.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Thank you for your welcome!
1) Yes i have already reports in the folders. The structure of the Report is date by MEB_05-15 (May). I have some Folders, every folder is for one Client. In this folder i have the reports: MEB_04-15 ; MEB_05-15 ... And i dont want to send this every time manual.
So is that manageable that i can make email addresses from the Clients that i have to click on send only?
Thank you!
How is the client initiating the request? Do they have a gui to do this, or is the request by email/phone?
So are you initiating the email task in visualcron or by the client?
Uses Visualcron since 2006.
The connection/request is with a normal Email Client Outlook. I have the task in Visual Cron at the point Email.
Step for step:
1. Folder xx has an report .xlsx (excel)
2. One folder is for one customer and i have some folders , in every folder are 4-5 reports.
3. I need a setting where i can say to Visual Cron => Please put the attachments(reports) MEB_05-15 because we have May and send it out to the specific adresses that i save in the Email list. And Visual need to when its (June) MEB_06-15 , go to Folder xx and take MEB_06-15 .xlsx and not MEB_05-15.
I hope you can understand my problem. 😝

This is what I understand from your posts:

The client sends a request for a report by e-mail to you.
You go to Visualcron and want to put the report from current month from the client in it's own client folder.

Do do so, you need to tell Visualcron which client you want to serve.
You can do this by making a User Defined Variable (string) and put in there the names of the clients seperated by a semicolumn.
You can create a popup task telling it to use the user defined varaible as the source list and setting the output to the input values without the caption.
The result of this task is your clientname in the output.

An other task you could have is getting the right foldername for this client. There are several ways of doing this, you could do it by a .NET task having the output of the popup task as input for the .NET task. In this task you make a function returning the right foldername for the client.

You might want to have two tasks doing this, one for the from path and one for the destination path.

The next task could be a file copy task using the foldernames from the previous two tasks and the month-year notation by use of the date variables. You could make a matching file by using all of the above an copy the right file.

Hope I gave you some to think about. Good luck!

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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