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Hi -

It appears that VCron attempts to compensate for differences in time zone between client and server by adjusting the times that appear in the client to "local".

This is not working in my case. My VC server is on a VPS in the Eastern time zone. I upload tasks to it from a machine in the Pacific time zone. Although I maintain my VPS clock in UTC, Visual Cron still insists that it is on eastern time and schedules my tasks incorrectly.

Is there a way to turn off the automated adjustment for time zones? It is driving me crazy.

Forum information
Could you give us an example of how to reproduce the error and expected result?

We have been working a lot with this before and got confirmation that it worked as expected after our changes.
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Hi Henrik -

I am still having my time zone/DST problems. I have learned some more and I think I can work around it, but I will pass on some information in case it helps.

My key problem appears to be that my VCRON server operates on a VPS whose "slice" time has been set different from the physical time at the server location. For most activities VCRON appears to use the physical machine time, rather than the "slice" time. That is why my attempt to run my VPS slice on UTC failed.

For example, a VCRON client operating on the West Coast (Pacific time) always show a three hour difference with VCRON client operating on the East Coast - even when the "slice" is set to UTC. Furthermore, the VCRON server executes a task scheduled for 16:30 at 16:30 eastern time, even though both the VCRON client at the server location and the "slice" clock both show UTC.

In other words, when a VPS set to other than local time is involved, VCRON clients show an incorrect execution time.

Mind bending, isn't it?

Apparently few others have had this problems and I can work around it, so there is nothing for you to do.

Thanks. You have built a good tool.

Steve Ihnen
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