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I'd like to create a job report of failing jobs. I can use the Job Report task to create a CSV output of all jobs, but I'm not sure how to parse it in a subsequent task to only get failing jobs. Is it possible? If not, could the Job Report task be enhanced by adding filters for the various columns?

Forum information
Yes, you need to parse the Job report or call the Web API and parse that. No filter yet in those.
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I tried to solve this for you.
1st I created a Job Report task which writes a csv file. Only the Job name and Job result as columns.
The next task was a file write task. This task should write only the failed jobs in a new file.

I created a loop on the file write task using the for each {FILE(Content|report.csv)} as the input and using column 1 (the result) with a semicolumn as seperator.
The value of the File Write task is the current line in the loop: {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)}

If you run the job now, the second file created from task 2 has the same data as the 1st file.
We now have to have a condition when to write to the 2nd file.

Create a condition that checks the {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)} with the string value "Failed". Use the variale condition and set it to 'continue' on a match and 'next' when there is no match. Add this condition to the 2nd task and you're file write task only writes the failed jobs to a file.

Above is how it should word. I, however, did not get this to work. The condition gave me NoMatch all the time. I used 7.6.3 for this to check.

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Originally Posted by: ErikC 


I tried to solve this for you.
1st I created a Job Report task which writes a csv file. Only the Job name and Job result as columns.
The next task was a file write task. This task should write only the failed jobs in a new file.

I created a loop on the file write task using the for each {FILE(Content|report.csv)} as the input and using column 1 (the result) with a semicolumn as seperator.
The value of the File Write task is the current line in the loop: {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)}

If you run the job now, the second file created from task 2 has the same data as the 1st file.
We now have to have a condition when to write to the 2nd file.

Create a condition that checks the {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)} with the string value "Failed". Use the variale condition and set it to 'continue' on a match and 'next' when there is no match. Add this condition to the 2nd task and you're file write task only writes the failed jobs to a file.

Above is how it should word. I, however, did not get this to work. The condition gave me NoMatch all the time. I used 7.6.3 for this to check.


Did you check for Contains or Equal (as the line contains many other things).

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Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: ErikC 


I tried to solve this for you.
1st I created a Job Report task which writes a csv file. Only the Job name and Job result as columns.
The next task was a file write task. This task should write only the failed jobs in a new file.

I created a loop on the file write task using the for each {FILE(Content|report.csv)} as the input and using column 1 (the result) with a semicolumn as seperator.
The value of the File Write task is the current line in the loop: {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)}

If you run the job now, the second file created from task 2 has the same data as the 1st file.
We now have to have a condition when to write to the 2nd file.

Create a condition that checks the {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)} with the string value "Failed". Use the variale condition and set it to 'continue' on a match and 'next' when there is no match. Add this condition to the 2nd task and you're file write task only writes the failed jobs to a file.

Above is how it should word. I, however, did not get this to work. The condition gave me NoMatch all the time. I used 7.6.3 for this to check.


Did you check for Contains or Equal (as the line contains many other things).

Yes I did.
1st I used the check on the column and uses the is equal condition. That did not work. If I used the column in the file write and disabled the condition, the column info was there (Success/Not Set/Failed/etc).
2nd I used the whole line (CurrentValueXLine) and I used the contain option in the variable check. This also didn't gave me a match. And yes, there are failed jobs in my list, so there must me a match. I checked the case and they are the same.

Matching isn't working. Could it be something to do with the {file|content...)} meganism instead of using task output for looping?


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Originally Posted by: ErikC 

Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: ErikC 


I tried to solve this for you.
1st I created a Job Report task which writes a csv file. Only the Job name and Job result as columns.
The next task was a file write task. This task should write only the failed jobs in a new file.

I created a loop on the file write task using the for each {FILE(Content|report.csv)} as the input and using column 1 (the result) with a semicolumn as seperator.
The value of the File Write task is the current line in the loop: {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)}

If you run the job now, the second file created from task 2 has the same data as the 1st file.
We now have to have a condition when to write to the 2nd file.

Create a condition that checks the {LOOP(CurrentValueXLine)} with the string value "Failed". Use the variale condition and set it to 'continue' on a match and 'next' when there is no match. Add this condition to the 2nd task and you're file write task only writes the failed jobs to a file.

Above is how it should word. I, however, did not get this to work. The condition gave me NoMatch all the time. I used 7.6.3 for this to check.


Did you check for Contains or Equal (as the line contains many other things).

Yes I did.
1st I used the check on the column and uses the is equal condition. That did not work. If I used the column in the file write and disabled the condition, the column info was there (Success/Not Set/Failed/etc).
2nd I used the whole line (CurrentValueXLine) and I used the contain option in the variable check. This also didn't gave me a match. And yes, there are failed jobs in my list, so there must me a match. I checked the case and they are the same.

Matching isn't working. Could it be something to do with the {file|content...)} meganism instead of using task output for looping?


To avoid any confusion maybe it would be best if you could export the Task and send it to so we can reproduce it. Thanks
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Thank you, ErikC! I was able to use your solution after a little bit of modification. It never would have occurred to me to write the job list to a file and read it with a loop. This is the first looped task I've created.

Instead of using a condition for the Write File task, I used this as the value:


I'm using column 4 because my job report contains Job Name, Status, Next Run, Result, Status, Last Execution, Exec. Time, and Exit Code.

The line break after "CurrentValueXLine)}" is deliberate because I changed the Line break parameter to "NoLineBreak". The final file only contains failed jobs.

Thanks again!
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