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what is the proper way to do a rename in a temp folder on a ftp in version 7.7.4?

in our previous version you made one upload task which uploaded the files to the temp folder and we then did a rename with the include file mask set to
{TRIGGER(Active,LastTrigger,File.Result.Name)} in the remote file filter tab and in the rename tab we set the new name to

this would move the file from Temp folder to main folder with the same filename
now in 7.7.4 this dosen't work anymore.
Forum information
Hi Robbanz,

To use the filename from a remote site, you need to use the remote file name result.
The variable you are using is getting a local file trigger.

So you something like this and it will work:

The id in here is the trigger id.

[edit]I'm not sure you can put it in a different destination directory with the rename task. I think you should use the Copy/Move file command type for this.[/edit]

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
Copy/Move did the trick!

thanks for the help
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