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  •  tburk
  • No customer Topic Starter
Using a User Defined Variable LogPathFile, its value is set as the first step in our JOBs using the Set Variable TASK. The option 'Translate value as constant in Variable when running' is selected. The value assigned within the Set Variable TASK is {STRING(Concat|{USERVAR(LOG_JOB_PathRoot)}{JOB(Active|Name)}\{DATEFORMAT(yyyy_MM)}\|{DATEFORMAT(yyyy.MM.dd)}.txt)}. Using a Notification on the 'On Complete' flow of the TASKs, the PrevTask,StdOut is written to the JOB log. We found today that when a JOB🅰 is running such as when triggered hourly, and another JOB🅱 when run using the VisualCron Client 'Run TASK', will sometimes write to the JOB🅰 LogFiles. So having the common variable LogPathFile used in all JOBs is very convenient, is there any way to strengthen the boundaries around the variables used in separate JOBs? Is there another way of accomplishing this reuse of variables?

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We will hopefully fix soon so you can set a Job Variable with SetVariable Task. Hopefully that will resolve your problem.
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The Set Job Variable feature will be really useful. I am having all sorts of issues with the job I am trying to write with the same issue of concatenating a path within a job and not wanting to use a global variable.
  •  tburk
  • No customer Topic Starter
The Set Job Variable TASK will be very helpful. It would be most helpful if each JOB were capable of having variables of the same name as other JOBs have. Example, JOB1 has Job Variable named 'JobState', and JOB1 has Job Variable named 'JobState'. Will this be the case?
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