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Currently we're planning to load thousands of jobs in a VERY powerful server but as the jobs are getting many we're facing issues in VC. The job just keeps on running. The exe task uses an excel application. Normally the job will finish around 2-3mins but now that reporting jobs are getting many some of our jobs will just stuck in "Running" status.

We tried to do a stress test today, we tried to execute 10jobs simultaneously (all exe uses excel file as its output, the data are from SQL) and all were successful. Then tried to run 20jobs at the sametime and we got 3jobs that kept on running. 30jobs and we got 17jobs stuck.

Is there something wrong with my server or it's in VC wherein it can only run 10jobs at the same time? Just like what I have said, our server is a powerful machine with 48logical procie and a huge capacity of ram. Server is Windows Server 2012 R2.

The machine is running fine until we upgraded from 7.7.2 to latest.

Thank you!
Forum information

I assume you are talking about the Execute Task - or are you talking about the Office Macro Task?

I think it is important to identify where it hangs. It sounds like it is the Excel process that hangs for some reason - indicating that there is some error in the Excel execution. Please verify if you have a lot of Excel.exe processes running or if they all disappear even if VisualCron hangs.

Please share some screenshots of the Execute settings as well.
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