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I have several jobs on one server with VCron installed and the mail tasks have started to fail with about a 50% failure rate. By that I mean, sometimes they'll run, sometimes they won't. Everything is set up identically to another VCron instance we have. The email issue has been present since I installed the service on the box, just recently having gotten worse. No changes were made to the server.

Attached is a zipped WIreshark packet capture of a failure. The error reported by the server is the generic:
Exception in Task: Connection timeout (error code is 73730)

I was on version 7.0.9, but installed the latest 7.7.7 to see if it would help (having read others with this problem just upgraded to the latest release at the time of their problem), but no dice - it still is failing. (1kb) downloaded 49 time(s).

Thanks for your help!
Forum information
I would recommend sending though alternate code - for example Powershell to determine the cause beacuse it sounds like the server is just not responding correctly from this server. Either network problem or some dns resolution problem.
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