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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hello Again,
After checking this feature I am sure that is has a bug. It will run 2 or 3 jobs at the same time even if I check of the box put jobs in queue.
I attached the log.
Forum information
The "Put job in queue" option were never designed to combine different Jobs. This function is only used to put jobs in queue of the same Job.

To combine different Jobs the only way right now is to use Conditions. If you want a "global" queue I recommend posting that in the Features requests forum.
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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
I tried the conditions and that didnt seem to work either. I keep going into an infinate loop.
Maybe if you gave me clearer instructions on how to setup a condition to queue the jobs or to queue if a proccess is running?
Thank you for the quick response.
You should see below samples as workarounds as VisualCron have no built in global queue.

Let say you have 3 Jobs that you want to sync globally. There are different alternatives for this.

1. Create 3 Conditions. Each Condition checks if one of the 3 Jobs are running. Select the Condtions that checks the two other Jobs in each Job.

About the loops. I don't know how often you want to run your Jobs but it is better to configure the Jobs to run more often so you don't have to create internal loops in the Conditions. But if you really want to create a wait loop in Conditions you have to be aware that these Conditions will lie in the background, checking these Conditions, at the Wait interval. This activity is in the background and will be hidden for you unless you add extra logging (Log tab of Condition).

2. The complete other way is easier. You just make sure that you only start one at a time. Many users use the VisualCron Trigger. This way you can create a chain of Jobs - so that one Job starts when the other has completed. I recommend this alternative if it works for you.
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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hello again,
I suggest if it is possiable to create the queue in a Job Level. Meaning if one job is running then no other job can run.
OK, I am moving this to the forum Feature requests.
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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hi henrick,

I still have the same problem so let me try to explain it to you again:
I Have a process that I sceduled to run every 10 minuts.
The problem is that once in a while the process itself takes more than 10 minutes.

I would like that when it happens, the next run will wait whatever it takes and start running only after the process has ended (i.e. ignores the 10 minutes scheduling).

I tried to use the conditions tab for that:
The condition I created was to check if my process was running.

My question is:
What exactly should I define in the condition set in order for that to happen?
Do I need to use all 4 setting?

Thanks for your help.

What is the goal, to run the process again when it has died?
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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
The goal is that I can not run the specific process twice at the time. I have 10 jobs that run this process all in 10 min intervals. Sometimes if there is a glitch then the next job overlaps and it triggers the process simultaneously. I want to set up a condition that will prevent the procces from running simultaneously and queue the following Job.
Why do you have 10 jobs running the same process? It would be easier if you had one job and used queue option for that one. Then use the VisualCron Task to run this Job from the other Jobs.

Dotan wrote:

The goal is that I can not run the specific process twice at the time. I have 10 jobs that run this process all in 10 min intervals. Sometimes if there is a glitch then the next job overlaps and it triggers the process simultaneously. I want to set up a condition that will prevent the procces from running simultaneously and queue the following Job.

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  •  Dotan
  • Free support Topic Starter
What I have is 10 different batch files that need to run. They are not every 10 min but on timed schedules. Some of them once a day. Soon there will be alot more. The idea that i am trying to get to is that i do not need to calculate when to start and stop each batch file every time i add anew one and if a glitch happens it wont "double start the process". Now this batch file triggers a process called Webstock.exe. This process can not run simultaneously twice at the same time. The condition looks like the best way.
Can this idea be revisited? We want to be able to schedule, in our case, a DB task to run once all currently running DB tasks have finished. Either a global queue option, or an option to check for any running jobs/tasks, maybe even in a specific category of tasks.
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