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Each VisualCron license is based on the number of servers; one or multiple. Whenever the user has purchased a license, he will be given an ’activation’ code. This activation code is intended for one or more VisualCron servers based on the license type. The user will enter this activation code on the server he wishes to activate. This can be done using the ’Server’ tab in VisualCron. Click on ’Licenses’ in ’Information’ group. This will open an activation dialog. There are two types of activation modes: online and offline.

How to find your activation code
1. Please login to your VisualCron account on the VisualCron forum
2. Go to ->My Pages-> My Licenses web page on the VisualCron website.
3. You will see all your purchased licenses on this page. You can find your activation code for a specific server next to the server name.
Online Activation
You need an internet connection to use this option. You also need to allow your Firewall to let VisualCron access the internet. Please follow the following steps:
1. Please log in to the VisualCron client on the desired server.
2. Go to ’Sever’ tab -> License ->Activate.
3. Choose ’Online Activation’. Enter the activation code and click ’Activate’.
Offline activation
If you do not have an internet connection on the desired server, you can use offline activation method. However, if the server can be connected internally on the local network, there is still the option of online activation.In order to avail offline activation,
1. Please log in to the VisualCron client on the desired server.
2. Go to ’Sever’ tab -> License ->Activate.
3. Choose ’Offline Activation’. Enter the activation code. You will get a url.
4. Open this url in a web browser on a computer that has internet connection. You will then get an offline Id.
5. Enter this id as the ’Personal Offline Id’ on the VisualCron Client following steps 1 and 2 and click ’Activate’.

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