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Douglas Costa

I have created a task type Execute which executes a .exe file built by .NET. When I start it, the message "Unhandled error when trying to start process: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it" is throwing.

There is a Troubleshooting at documentation about it, but it doesn't work for me.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!
Forum information
Sounds like it is trying to start a windows service. Can you run any task at all in VisualCron? Is the VisualCron service running?

Douglas Costa
Hi Thomas!

There are other tasks from other project working fine.

I figured out when the problem comes up exactly. When I run the task with credentials it throws the error. But, with no credentials I receive the follow error:

Message: The underlying provider failed on Open.

Seems it is running with local user, which doesn't have access to database.
ok good, it seems you know what the problem is then :)

Douglas Costa
Hello Thomas!

Not exactly! :(

The task needs execute through a specific user. It can not execute throw NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Therefore, I need to set credentials with the application user. But, the execution throws the error. There is another way to run the task with a specific user?

Thank you!

I'm sure there a several ways of dealing with this. Support can probably give you a better answer than I can.

We run the VisualCron service as a specific user. ie right click on the VisualCron service, choose the log on tab, click the 'This account' radio button, and enter the user you want to run the service with. Then you can give this user the appropriate rights in yor database. I'm not saying this is the best way of doing it, it's just one way.

Douglas Costa
Hi Thomas!

I appreciate your help! I'm going to talk with support.

Thank you so much!
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