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  •  andyt
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hi Support,

I'm trying to configure a file trigger to do the following:

1. Poll a folder
2. Trigger a task when it sees the following wildcard: TCX_*.zip
3. I then want to trigger a different task based on this wildcard: *.zip (except for TCX_*.zip)

The problem I have is that the file trigger task doesn't have any exclusions. If I create a seperate Cron job to look for *.zip files, I'm afraid that the job will pick up a TCX*.zip file. Any suggestions on how I can use VisualCron to tackle this issue? Should I be using conditions on this job to solve this issue? If so, how would I configure a condition for this specific task?
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I suggest that you create 2 File Triggers. And in the second one you use the TCX_*.zip in the exlusion file mask.

andyt wrote:

Hi Support,

I'm trying to configure a file trigger to do the following:

1. Poll a folder
2. Trigger a task when it sees the following wildcard: TCX_*.zip
3. I then want to trigger a different task based on this wildcard: *.zip (except for TCX_*.zip)

The problem I have is that the file trigger task doesn't have any exclusions. If I create a seperate Cron job to look for *.zip files, I'm afraid that the job will pick up a TCX*.zip file. Any suggestions on how I can use VisualCron to tackle this issue? Should I be using conditions on this job to solve this issue? If so, how would I configure a condition for this specific task?

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  •  andyt
  • Free support Topic Starter
Thanks. Can you send a screen shot of the file mask exclusion you are talking about? I don't see it on my verison (5.1.1).
I will explain without a acreenshot:

Create two jobs, one with a trigger on TCX_*.zip and one with *.zip

In the 2nd job you create a condition with a file check. The folder you should use is the folder in the trigger (use variables) and append in the folder path the '\TCX_*.zip'. Match file exisit is False.
The action for finding this file is to exit the job. This is the deafult action.
Add this condition on the job level and the job will not start if the file TCX_*.zip is found.

Good luck setting this up.👍


Uses Visualcron since 2006.
  •  andyt
  • Free support Topic Starter
Sorry guys, that didn't work. I tried this for the conclusion, but Visual Cron doesn't seem to process it: {TRIGGER(6306b751-9970-43d5-a96e-aed5e2380e52,LastTrigger,File.Result.Folder)}\TCX_*.zip

There is no file exclusion for an Unzip task either, any other ideas?
Yes, you are right. There is no exclusion. I mixed it up. But I am not sure what you want. In your first message you want exclusion for the same as the file mask? Why do you not create two Jobs instead?

andyt wrote:

Sorry guys, that didn't work. I tried this for the conclusion, but Visual Cron doesn't seem to process it: {TRIGGER(6306b751-9970-43d5-a96e-aed5e2380e52,LastTrigger,File.Result.Folder)}\TCX_*.zip

There is no file exclusion for an Unzip task either, any other ideas?

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  •  andyt
  • Free support Topic Starter
So to review, I need to poll a single folder for these two wild cards : TCX_*.zip and *.zip. If I create a job for each wildcard, I run into the problem that the *.zip job will unzip TCX_*.zip by mistake. How can I make sure that the *.zip job does not unzip TCX_*.zip files? Thanks for your help.
I see no clean solution to this. One solution is to put the copy file task between the zip task. There you can use the exclusion filter.

I think you should either request file filter at Decompression or exclusion filter in File Trigger.
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  •  andyt
  • Free support Topic Starter
Thanks, I'll put in the feature request. In the mean time, I'm using the file exclusion on the Copy Task to do the work. It's an added step, but it should work. thanks.
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