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This might be a difficult/lame, take a pick, question.

I need to run the visualcron service as a custom user due to policies not allowing me to use the default "local system" account.
Would this be as simple as giving the "visualcron account" full access to the VC install directory and any directory my jobs "touch"? Or do I need to open access to certain system and registry directories?


Forum information
It should be enough by just setting the VisualCron service to run as the specified user (in Services dialog).
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Doesn`t appear to be that easy.
I`ve created a new user (not member of the administrators group), given it full access to the VC install folder, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\isx" and "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys", but it still fails. The visualcron service runs, but initializing socket server fails.

The startuplog reads:

07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Starting up
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Prepare interaction
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Prepare XML writer settings
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Create directories
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Clean temp files
07.05.2009 16:31:35 Debug Startup function called
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Debug Loading settings
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info VisualCron - Server: 5.1.1 - build: 22112 - protocol: 5.1.0
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info Error at ReadRegistry: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at wiOlfvaEUwMS7f9rvIZ.3Oca8Da3pU49UK3Q3AM.89MHTckwR(String , Object )
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Info Error at WriteRegistry: System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource)
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at wiOlfvaEUwMS7f9rvIZ.3Oca8Da3pU49UK3Q3AM.R5Q1rWcYp(String , Object )
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
07.05.2009 16:31:37 Debug Loading license file
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug License file was succesfully loaded
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug Saving license file
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug License file was saved successfully
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Info License status: Trial
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Info Days left for trial: 0 (1901-01-01 00:00:00)
07.05.2009 16:31:38 Debug Loading language
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug Variables file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Info No Certificates loaded, file not found
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug FTP connections file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:39 Debug Loading users
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Info Loaded: 3 users(s)
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Info No Conditions loaded, file not found
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug PGP Key Rings file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Time exceptions file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Network credentials file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Notifications file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Network Drives file did not exist.
07.05.2009 16:31:43 Debug Loading jobs
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Loaded: 5 job(s)
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Expiring old triggers
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Searching for jobs that should have been executed
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Info Running missed jobs between 07.05.2009 16:31:31 and 07.05.2009 16:31:45
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Recalculating all jobs
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Starting main threads
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug InternalWorkerThreadClass was started
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Flushing memory
07.05.2009 16:31:45 Debug Startup finished
07.05.2009 16:31:46 Err Could not create or remove certificates: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Access is denied.

at System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Open(OpenFlags flags)
at m3JptoaBjScV3wAPguf.55u53oaMCLgVKDH0OVu.89MHTckwR()
07.05.2009 16:31:46 Err Could not start socket server - error loading certificate.

Since I blow at programming I have no idea what the .NET exceptions mean. I do understand they try to access the registry, but that`s it.

Could you tell me what it`s actually trying to do?


It needs to check the registry for license issues. There seems to be a lot of limitations with that user and you will run into a lot of problems if you do not use SYSTEM account or administrator account.
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