Community forum

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I have a couple of suggestions for new variables that I think would be very useful.

1 - User defined variables - It would be great if a Job or Task could have a "Variables" tab where we could define variables related to that Task / Job. We use a SQL Notification to dump the output from executed tasks into our internal database. In the SQL statement that we use to insert the row it would be great if I could have a couple of user defined variables (for primary key's etc) assigned to each job so that one SQL notification would be capable of logging all jobs.

2 - Credential Variables - Which would allow access to the credentials stored within VisualCron. Usage example would be when executing a script that need's to pass on credentials we currently have to include usernames / passwords in the arguments string which exposes them, but also adds an admin overhead when a password changes that's used in a lot of tasks.


Forum information
You have User defined Variables since a couple of versions. Those Variables are encrypted and can be sued for storing your credentials.
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