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  •  MgSam
  • No customer Topic Starter
We recently purchased Visual Cron server and we're running into a number of broken/missing features:

- The Execution Time column always shows the execution time of the last job run, even if the job is currently running. This is extremely confusing. If the job is currently running it should show a counting timer of how long the job has been running for.
- There seems to be no way to view the console output of a currently running job. This is a problem for us. You should be able to view the output for a currently running job.
- It is extremely difficult to diagnose jobs that have had an error. A cryptic error code (usually 7777) is a horrible way to present information. We need a real error log so we can figure out what went wrong.
- When you use the context menu (right click) and click "Run Job 'JobName'", it starts running the job but opens the flyout menu instead of closing the context menu. This is extremely confusing because it makes it totally unclear that the job has actually started. It should close the context menu like a standard Windows application would.
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Thank you for your feedback. We will look at this.

About error 77777. It is a generic error for all other Task types than Execute (as other Task types does not have exit codes). The real error should be in the Standard error column. Have you looked at that?
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Regarding the error log, Visual Cron does have an error log but using variables you should be able to get the error details, for example emailed.
I'm not sure about viewing the output in real time, do you mean the output from an executable?
Agree about the Run Job right click, this is still confusing for us although we are more used to it now after using VC for over 2 years.
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