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I'm going on vacation for a month, and I want to have VisualCron wake my laptop (Gateway MX7515H) from hibernation, check my email, then return to hibernation on a daily basis. I have figured out how to make it check the mail, and how to get the laptop into hibernation, but all the settings I try don't seem to work to wake the system from hibernation.

I've looked through the documentation and can't find what I'm doing wrong, and I'm not a programmer, so this is beyond me at this point.

Can anyone help, please?

Forum information

you can wake up in 2 different ways.

1. If your motherboard on your laptop supports it you can use wakeuponlan feature to wake it up remotely.
2. If you are not interested in doing it remotely you need to set the wakeup time in the hibernate task.
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