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Has anyone attempted to run a job on a PC, and do so based on CPU utilization. Here's my query. I have a dozen PCs. I call these PCs, the "run" PCs. Each "run" PC is loaded with Visualcron. I have two PC which act as the "master" Visualcron scheduler. The "master" triggers jobs on the "run" PCs. I'm try to figure out a way to check the current CPU utilization on a "run" PC, if the utilization is too high, I check another "run" PC. I look for a "run" PC with utilization of 40% or less, and then run the job on that PC.

Has anyone done this? What caveats have you encountered. Is it even possible?

Thank you,

Forum information
I've never done this before... but you likely would need to do this in a .NET task or Powershell and use the result.

Powershell example to return the CPU load:

gwmi win32_processor -ComputerName XXXXXXX  | select -ExpandProperty LoadPercentage

That will return a numeric value that you can use to evaluate. Or have it all canned within the powershell task to check all the computers and return the lowest value.


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