Community forum

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My company has a VC server installed on another server, USPK10VCDev01. I have the client and an expired trial server installed on my local machine. I have removed the local server connection from my list of connections and only have the connection to the dev machine.

When I'm done editing a job, I am occasionally greeted by an error message seen in the attachment. VCError.PNG

When this occurs, all changes I had made are lost. Is there a way to get more information about this error? Or a way to prevent the error? Finally a way to recover lost changes... maybe a locally saved copy?

~Edit - It appears to be happening 100% of the time when I exit out of editing a job immediately after adding an 'Encrypt' or an SFTP task to the job.
Forum information
1. make sure client and server version is the same
2. not sure which version you are using but I recommend upgrading both client and server to latest - this helps debugging
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Thanks, the issue was that the server was on an older version than the client. I was wondering why the client kept requesting me to download and install an update every time I launched it.

The error isn't happening any more after the update was applied.
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