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Is there a way to use the remote file trigger to only act on sub folders and not the root folder specified in the configuration?

I have a client who is uploading files within sub folders to an FTP, but may also upload loose files to the root folder. I only want to act on files within the randomly named folders and not the ones loaded to the root. In this case unfortunately they are all of the same file type *.pdf so there is not easy way to filter them. I tried adding a wildcard to the folder configuration \folder\* but it just crashes the VC client.

I'm thinking it is not possible, but worth the ask.


Forum information
As far as I know it is not possible. A workaround would be to let the file trigger work on all files in root + subfolder, and in the next step you check if the file was in the root folder or not. If it was in the root folder, you exit (or something like that).

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