Community forum

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Ben Graham

I was conversing about a null reference exception in this thread: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=6763 

Support (sorry, not sure how to link to members) said I could upload our dump files to an FTP server for analysis but did not provide the ftp server address, etc.

Does anyone know where this upload would go and how to identify it as related to a given forum post?

NOTE: I asked on the original discussion thread but received no response so I thought I would post here in the hopes that more people would see it. I also realize this is free support and so I am not upset over the lack of response, I just want to make sure I am doing what I can to facilitate this problem getting solved. It is possible ti is a general issue that could result in a bug fix.

Forum information
Sorry, for not getting back to you earlier. We will send you the details in a PM.
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Christopher Nolan
I had a similar problem where the was crashing for no apparent reasons. I came searching about the problem and Thanks Ben for the resources and it helped me a lot.
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