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Great program!

I am doing some server monitoring. I have a job set up to ping an IP every 5 minutes. I am logging this in a txt file. On failure I want to run another job that will ping the server every 1 minute. When the 1st jog gets a successful result I want to stop the second job. The second job will be writing to a different txt file.

Should I do this in 1 job(how) or another job completely(again how)

I can set up the basic stuff but I am a little confused on this situation.

Thanks, Marty
Forum information
Hi Marty,

sorry for the dealy in the answer. You can solve your problem in multiple ways.

The key to this is using two jobs. In the first job you add three tasks. One Ping and two VisualCron Tasks. To the second task, the VisualCron Task you add a Condition where you check the exit code. If exit code !=0 you want to Execute the VisualCron task (choosing option Continue as action - otherwise exit). The 1st VisualCron task should activate Job two. Similarily you add a second VisualCron tasks which deactivate job two. You can set the condition on 1st VisualCron task to run the task deactivate upon success (exit code == 0).

The second job just pings the IP every 5 minutes.

Hope this solution is OK for you and understandable 😰
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