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Luke Saunders
Getting an error connecting from a same-named user account in another domain with a domain trust.

Visual cron is set to authenticate anyone in domain A in security group A\visualcron.

I have an account in domain A.. lets say A\luke. I can log in with A\luke just fine.

I also have an account in domain B. Account is B\luke. Domain A and B are in a trust. B\luke is also a member of group A\visualcron.

When I try to connect remotely to a visual cron server using B\luke, I'm getting error: "Login failed, reason: AD username mistmatch error. Contact support."

Should this be expected to work as stated?

note that "mistmatch" above is minor misspell in the live error dialogue.
Forum information
Currently, Server install and Client install needs to be on same domain. Otherwise authentication will fail.
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Luke Saunders
Thanks Henrik! Maybe someday 🙂
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