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Jon Tofte-Hansen
I have a connection to an Oracle database, and I can make SQL statements throgh a SQL task in VisualCron. If I run a SELECT I get the result out fine.

If I make an INSERT I get no output (feedback) like "1 row inserted". Why is that?

I can wrap the INSERT in PL/SQL with DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQL%ROWCOUNT) but VisualCron doesn't seem to grab the output.

Is it a driver issue or a feature request?

If I cannot get the feedback I would have to write a SQL*Plus task and I would like to avoid external tools.
Forum information
It is probably something similar as MSSQL which has something called InfoMessage. This is specific output captured by the SQL Client which does not go through the normal query. I do not thing it is possible to grab that from Oracle unless you make a PS/SQL which can capture and then in turn output it.
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