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Is there any way to import a ZIP file that has been extracted from a command line?? We want to use this to integrate some process automation. If this is NOT a feature it should be. Who else out there using systematic automation would like a command line means to create complex VisualCron Jobs ???

Please advise.
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Or perhaps import an XML file from the command line?? This would go a LONG way to improve the automation integration features for VisualCron. If I wanted to deploy a new SSH command task I would just simply provide my developers with a XML template, have them include it in their solution. Save it to source repository, build it in build server and have my deployment agent(Octopus Deploy in my case) execute a step that does a command line import of that XML file after it has been deployed. Viola!!! New Automated Task automatically added and schedule in VisualCron without human intervention!! I cannot believe there aren't others out there doing automated deployments of task jobs that could wouldn't benefit from this!!!
Is there any news on this request?
Any idea?
VisualCron has no feature to push settings or new Jobs to multiple systems.
There must be a suitable solution to do this. Command line or any other mechanism....
Do you just want to import everything from the zip file?
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No, i want to update individual jobs.
For example i have a master server with multiple jobs. Then i do my modifications on a certain job, export this single job and want to update the same existing job with the modifications done on te target host.
Originally Posted by: ame02 

No, i want to update individual jobs.
For example i have a master server with multiple jobs. Then i do my modifications on a certain job, export this single job and want to update the same existing job with the modifications done on te target host.

This does not sound suitable for command line. To enter ids of individual Jobs. Better to use the VisualCron .NET API where you have full control of what you import. I do not see how we could design the VCCommand.exe for importing individual Jobs - it is another thing if the export contains the Jobs you want to import (i.e. filtering when exporting).
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