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We have VC 8.2.4 and I'm setting up permissions for several users, but I'm not finding clear descriptions of what exactly is enable by the different permissions. Some are pretty self-explanatory, such as read/edit/add/delete options for variables, triggers, user permissions, time exceptions, PGP key rings, notifications, credentials, connections, conditions, and certificates, read/edit options for client settings and server settings, and read option for logs and object finder.

But I have questions about the others:
- Exit Codes. What does Read permission for Exit Codes enable? What does Edit enable? What does Delete enable?
- Import and Export Settings. I can understand that Read permission would enable to see the settings, and Edit would enable to edit the settings. What enables to actually perform import and export? Is it the Read permission, because that's the only way to see the settings, and you can't do the import or export if you can't see the settings?
- Processes. What does Read permission for Processes enable? What does Delete enable?
- SQL Explorer. Would it be correct to assume that Read permission enables browsing and opening tables, and Execute permission enables executing queries and stored procedures?
- Remote File Explorer. Remote File Explorer has features that do things, like copying and moving files. What does Read permission enable, and why is there not an Execute permission? Does the permission also control the Connection Explorer, or is that just open to everyone?
- Jobs and Tasks. Does Execute permission also enable stopping a job or task? Is Edit permission required in order to be able to activate or deactivate a job or task? Is List permission implicit in Read permission, or are both required in able to view jobs or tasks?

How do the Job and Task permissions affect the Calendar and the Flow Chart? How do they affect non-GUI interfaces such as the commandline interface, which presumably doesn't need to be able to list the Jobs in orderto be able to view or edit them?
Does Manage server settings Edit permission control the ability to activate/de-activate the license?


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