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I am trying to set up an error handling process in VC 4.9.26 using the "On Error Stop Job and Run Specific Job" process. However, it does not appear to be working the way I expect it should.

Currently, I am receiving an error on a task. The result is "Access is Denied", which is fine. We have permissions changed to purposefully error this task to test the error handling. When the task returns the "Access is Denied" result, I would expect the "On Error" process to start, but it doesn't.

The On Error settings are set to "All Errors".

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sorry for the late reply but we thought this was answered. I recommend upgrading to at least 4.9.40. first. Then, if the problem still appears I would look at the log window.

I also recommend to create an simple example. It seems like an error is blocking it from continuing.
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I have upgraded VC to v4.9.40 and the process is still not working as I expect it should. Here's a more detailed explanation of the process:

I have 3 Job Types in the process:
- Trigger Jobs
- Master Job (with multiple tasks)
- Error Trap Jobs

1) Trigger Job contains 2 tasks. When the trigger file exists, the first task calls a task within another job to import data. When that external task is complete, the second task in the Trigger Job moves the trigger file to another location.

2) The Import Master Job contains multiple tasks that are "called" by other Trigger Jobs. Each task is set with an On Error event to Stop the current Job (Master) and start the corresponding Error Trap Job.

3) The Error Trap job does 2 things: a) stop the original Trigger Job and move the trigger file into an "Error" folder.

My most common error is Code 5: Access Denied. Looking at the log files, it appears that once the task with an "on error" event errors, it actually raises a TaskComplete first, then tries to run the error process. However, once it flags as complete, the file isn't processed using the Error job, but from the Trigger job.

It sounds confusing in (my) writing, but it is a simple, linear process that I can't get to work properly.

jtnelso attached the following image(s):
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