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I have just started using VisualCron a few month ago and love it, have made over 20 jobs to help our automation so far but this one I am currently working is giving me difficulty.

I am trying to create a job that will monitor that another job has done what it is suppose to. The other job monitors a Department share file and pushes it to 3 different servers if a change occurs. Now I am told I need to create a job to make sure that has happened. So I am looking as to how I can get VisualCron to look at the Department Share file and compare the Date Modified to the 3 other server locations and if anyone of them are different to send an alert to the IT staff and attempt to run the previously mentioned job. Now the part I am having trouble with is understanding how I can save the Date Modified of the original file and compare it to the Date Modified on the 3 servers. Do I use Conditions? If so how do I go about that? I have looked at other post and at a bit of a loss.

Any help would be great!
Forum information
Use Variables - File variables
Yes I know how to pull the Date Modified from a file in separate Tasks but how to pass the variables from one Task to another in the same Job to compare them?
Originally Posted by: Msmith 

Yes I know how to pull the Date Modified from a file in separate Tasks but how to pass the variables from one Task to another in the same Job to compare them?

There is a Set Job Variable Task to set the value. Or if you want to use the Variable directly you can use: {FILE(ModifiedTime|c:\textfile.txt|yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)}
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