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  •  Neal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I am using VC 5.2.2 and am a realltively new user.

Does a Job's Trigger have to execute all Tasks configured in that job? Or is there a way to associate a trigger in a Job to a specific Task in that job?
I know that I can create multiple jobs to get the same affect but we will end up with many jobs and a very busy (complicated) looking VC.

For example:
I have 5 FTP jobs that must run. Each FTP is triggered by the arrival of a uniquely named file or in a specified folder.

Do I have to create 5 different jobs? Or can I create a generic FTP job with 5 triggers and then link those triggers to 5 FTP tasks specific to each file?
Forum information
As it is now Triggers are bound to a Job. You should divide them into several Jobs. In a future version we will add some sort of grouping which will make this more "overviewable".
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