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Ken Gould
I am trying to use the Assembly Execute task and I keep getting errors trying to refresh the dll/exe file. It keeps coming back with "An error occurred while loading assembly data. Process failed with error:" I can't find any other information on why it is not loading. If I try to add the dll/exe another task to a different job it just fails to load. It will succeed the first time I add the assembly, but every time after that it fails. However the job will run correctly and loads the assembly and all associated DLL libraries provided I don't try to make any changes to the task. I can also clone the task and get it to run.

Are the files being cached somewhere?
Are there any logs that I can review to see why it won't load the dll/exe?
What .Net versions are supported? I am using 4.52 Framework.
I have tried copying the program to another folder with the same result.

Thank you
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Ken Gould
Did find some errors with the Debug logging turned on:
8/28/2017 5:37:31 PM Debug ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass->Start
8/28/2017 5:37:31 PM Debug ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass->Waiting for process to end
8/28/2017 5:37:31 PM Debug ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass->Starting process with arguments: b4156a93-410d-4aa3-b275-a442d4408d20 Request
8/28/2017 5:37:31 PM Debug ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass->Unhandled exception when running process: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VisualCronService.ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass.ICIFCCBPPIKNFACOHPNGNNHLKMDBPHAFOCNG(AssemblyInfoGetClass ) in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCronService\Jobs\TaskProcesses\Reflection\AssemblyExecute\clsProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetriever.vb:line 188
8/28/2017 5:37:31 PM Debug ProcessTaskAssemblyExecuteInfoRetrieverClass->Sending back information to Client
8/28/2017 5:37:34 PM Info User 'VisualCron Default Admin' - Updated Task: Assembly execute Test DB Query
I remember having seen that myself a long time ago. Unfortunately I can't remember what the issue was :(
We use .net framework 4.6.1, so your framework is also supported.

What is you build platform target?
Does it fail even with the simplest assembly, eg one that just returns a string or something?
Ken Gould
I think I figured out a work around.

When you want to load a DLL/EXE select no credential. For some reason selecting a credential causes an issue.

Not too sure if this is intentional or a bug.

You should upgrade. If you still get the error then post the error details here again.
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