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It would be extremely helpful to be able to create a "Wait" task that lasts a variable amount of time before proceeding. We are using VisualCron to drop files into a processing folder, then check to ensure that they have processed. We have calculated that it takes approximately 2-3 second to process each line in the file, so the job currently reads the number of lines, multiplies that by 3, then sets a "deadline" variable by which time the file should be processed.

If the amount of time in the existing "Wait/Sleep" task could be set to an existing variable, (in our case, an integer value of seconds between 1-86400) then the task could proceed to check the "processed" folder to ensure that the processing job completed.

Wait/Sleep Task

It doesn't appear that there is currently any way to define these values as anything other than static values.

Also, ideally, we wouldn't need to convert the number of seconds into hours, minutes, seconds, etc. However, if that is necessary, it could be done with a little bit of math. (But remember, the whole reason we're using VisualCron is because we're lazy...) 😁

Thanks in advance!
Forum information
Please check this update which lets you use Variables inside the fields:

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This appears to work as expected. I'm going to do some more testing, but in the meantime, thank you!
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