Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[NOTE] All: New protocol version (8.3.0) for communication. Requires Server and Client version to be the same.
[FEATURE] Client/Server: MFT Server->First release of optional built in FTP and SFTP server inside VisualCron
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Dropbox is now able to use the VisualCron registered application. Note, if you used your own application you need to uncheck "Use VisualCron application" as it is the new default value.
[FEATURE] Client/Server: GoogleDrive is now able to use the VisualCron registered application. Note, if you used your own application you need to uncheck "Use VisualCron application" as it is the new default value.
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->JSON filter
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SQL Task->Generally faster executions
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SQL Task->Can now retrieve InfoMessages from database
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SQL Task->SQL Jobs are now better monitored using OLEDB and ODBC
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Image resize->Added resize based on DPI
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Image convert->Added option for setting quality on resulting JPG images
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Crystal reports->Updated engine to the latest version
[FEATURE] Server: Changed default certificate for communication to be SHA256 instead of SHA1
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->System - Environment - Get Variable
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->System - Environment - Set Variable
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->System - Environment - Append Variable
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->System - Environment - Delete Variable
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->System - Environment - List Variables
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Image - Get EXIF data
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->Image - Image profile change
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SQL, DTS, SSIS, SSISB Tasks->Added option to pass null value
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Variables->Added null Variable
[FEATURE] WebClient: Added the remote file explorer
[FEATURE] Server: Internal DB can now repair itself upon corruption
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->XML - XML Transform
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->XML - XML Validate
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->XML - XML Verify
[FEATURE] Client/Server: New Task->XML - XML Sign
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Settings->Added optional default flows for Jobs/Task and mass update options
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added "Client events" for monitoring for internal errors and other events
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added Maintenance expiration tracking in Client
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Copy files Task->Is now allowing use of two Credentials which enables copy between two network shares
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Web service Task->Added support for XmlNode object type
[BUGFIX] Client: Event log write Task->Fixed a problem saving the Task
[BUGFIX] Server: Web service Task->Fixed issue with null reference error
[BUGFIX] Server: Web service Task->Now maximizing MaxReceivedMessageSize instead of default 65536
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Handled infinite loop issue when specified SQL Job was not found
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Fixed issue refreshing ODBC parameters for MSSQL
[BUGFIX] Server: Active directory logon->Handled deletion of referenced groups
[BUGFIX] Server: Handled "Only local connections allowed" problem when network is disabled
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Fixed parameter type issue when opening MySQL parameter
[BUGFIX] Server: Server diagnostics->Handled crash
[BUGFIX] Client: Cloud->Download->Fixed crash when saving Dropbox with empty bucket
[BUGFIX] Server: Image Tasks->Fixed file lock issue when writing to the same file
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud->Fixed issues with listing files and Trigger for Google Drive
[BUGFIX] Client: Cloud->Fixed issues with Google Drive remote file/folder filter
[BUGFIX] Server: PDF->Add Header/Footer->Fixed issue writing to same file
[BUGFIX] Server: Image Tasks->Fixed general issues writing to the same file and keeping EXIF properties
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Fixed issue with setting headers
[BUGFIX] Server: Leaving Daylight Saving no longer causes a recalculation of Triggers (which could cause duplicate runs)
[BUGFIX] Server: Flow->Fixed a problem with validation in Flow->On start
[BUGFIX] Client: Set Job Variable->Fixed crash issue when clicking on Job Variables button next to Job selection
[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Fixed problem with saving option "Save to Variable"
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Forum information
Thank you for testing this beta. It was published to public today.
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