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Jamie Jensen
I would like the ability to verify that a file has been uploaded to a server when using SFTP. I've been informed that VisualCron is unable to catch any logging from the SFTP conversation. The remote server immediately processes the file once uploaded and I am unable to use FileZilla (or another client) to manually view the uploaded folder.


Jamie Jensen
Forum information
I would say that if you get the file in the output in the Task it has been uploaded.
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Jamie Jensen
Simply having the file in the log seems insufficient. Without logs to show evidence of the upload it is difficult to trust that the upload actually occurred. The file processor will certainly notify us that the file was not received but there will be a time delay.
Originally Posted by: Jamie Jensen 

Simply having the file in the log seems insufficient. Without logs to show evidence of the upload it is difficult to trust that the upload actually occurred. The file processor will certainly notify us that the file was not received but there will be a time delay.

I think it is a question of what to trust. Per a succesful upload we add the file name to the std out. The file operation is confirmed. So if you do not trust this you cannot trust any other thing we capture at a lower level. FileZilla simulates and creates a log based on what they do. Most commands that you see in verbose logging are not real commands but simulates on a lower level what they do. If you do not trust VisualCron for the result (file uploaded = string added to output) then you should look at server level. But the same problem is there. Lower level commands may not be available. You can check for yourself by turning on verbose logging in FileZilla. Then you can see "put" and "ls" command. These are SSH commands but nothing really related to the protocol and nothing that is really sent. In reality, low level binary commands are sent that cannot be translated to something readable.

It would make very little sense to check for file existence after we uploaded a file without any error. If we do that we do not trust our own upload.

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